Support us

According to Pope Francis, artists are “guardians of beauty and witnesses of the hope of humanity”, yet patrons are the force elevating beauty and hope onto a pedestal.

• Do you feel you could contribute to the cultural voice of society and help shape its identity?
• Do you want to be part of something bigger than us ourselves?
• Do you support the Festival's mission?

Let's talk about your expectations, possible forms of support and any other questions you may have.
Contact – Jurgita Murauskienė,

Allocate 1.2%

How can you become a co-creator of the Festival's programme quickly and easily? Allocate 1.2 percent of your Resident Income Tax to Public Institution “Kristupo festivalis” (VšĮ „Kristupo festivalis“). By doing so, you'll bring joy to more than 10 thousand music fans in Vilnius and other Lithuanian cities and towns!

Our aim is for as many people as possible to hear quality, professional music. That's why a large part (60 percent) of the Christopher Festival's concerts have free admission for anyone wishing to come along. Support us, and we promise to fill even more hearts and spaces with the sounds of the world!


How can you become a co-creator of the Festival's programme quickly and easily? Allocate 1.2 percent of your Resident Income Tax to Public Institution “Kristupo festivalis” (VšĮ „Kristupo festivalis“). By doing so, you'll bring joy to more than 10 thousand music fans in Vilnius and other Lithuanian cities and towns!

Our aim is for as many people as possible to hear quality, professional music. That's why a large part (60 percent) of the Christopher Festival's concerts have free admission for anyone wishing to come along. Support us, and we promise to fill even more hearts and spaces with the sounds of the world!


Join us as a volunteer


Public Institution „Kristupo festivalis“
Gedimino av. 26, LT 01104 Vilnius, Lithuania
Code 125603338
VAT Code LT256033314
Account no. LT43 7044 0600 0152 4843
SEB Bank, 70440


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© 2024 VšĮ “Kristupo festivalis" I Teisinė informacija


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© 2024 VšĮ “Kristupo festivalis"

Teisinė informacija