St. Casimir's Church (34 Didžioji St, Vilnius)
1 PM



About the event

Vilnius Arch-cathedral Gregorian Choir

Starting time: 
1 PM
60 min.

At this concert, you’ll feel as if you’ve found yourself in a 17th-century royal abbey in France. You’ll be transported there by composer Gaspard Corrette’s Mass for Organ on the Eighth Tone, performed by soloists from the Schola Gregoriana Vilnensis Gregorian choir and organist  Tomas Bakučionis.

The majority of French organ music at this time was written for use in the Liturgy. With the significant rise in number of convents, a new repertoire emerged that would be chanted during the Liturgy. This is reflected in Corrette’s mass. The work, as he himself said, is dedicated to “nuns and useful for those playing the organ”. This is the composer’s sole legacy and we cannot even know how extensive it could have been, because Corrette’s life is veiled in secrecy.

It is thought that the composer was born in 1671 in Rouen; when he moved to Paris in 1720, all trace of his life was lost to history, and only in 1732 was his death announced. However, thanks to his son Michel (a famous musician in his own right and time), Gaspard Corrette’s name is not unequivocally lost from the pages of music history.

So, a life shrouded in secrecy and a composition that has withstood through the centuries – sounds like an intriguing offer for starting off the New Year. Or perhaps it’s an opportunity to open the door to spiritual serenity and concentration.

Messe du 8e Ton pour l’Orgue:
Premier Kyrie - Grand Plein Jeu
Cromhorne en Taille
Trio à deux dessus
Dialogue à deux Choeurs
Gloria In Excelsis - Prélude à deux Choeurs
Concert pour les Flûtes
Récit tendre pour le Nasard
Dialogue de Voix humaine
Basse de Trompette ou de Cromhorne
Dessus de Tierce par accords
Tierce en Taille
Dialogue à deux Choeurs
Graduel - Trio
Offerte - Grand dialogue à trois Choeurs
Premier Sanctus - Plein Jeu
Second Sanctus - Duo
Élévation - Cromhorne en Taille
Plein Jeu à deux Choeurs pour le premier Agnus Dei
Dialogue en Fugue, pour le Second Agnus Dei
Deo Gratias - Grand Plein Jeu
(Autre) Graduel - Basse de Trompette ou de Cromhorne
(Autre) Élévation - Fond d'Orgue

At this concert, you’ll feel as if you’ve found yourself in a 17th-century royal abbey in France. You’ll be transported there by composer Gaspard Corrette’s Mass for Organ on the Eighth Tone, performed by soloists from the Schola Gregoriana Vilnensis Gregorian choir and organist  Tomas Bakučionis.

The majority of French organ music at this time was written for use in the Liturgy. With the significant rise in number of convents, a new repertoire emerged that would be chanted during the Liturgy. This is reflected in Corrette’s mass. The work, as he himself said, is dedicated to “nuns and useful for those playing the organ”. This is the composer’s sole legacy and we cannot even know how extensive it could have been, because Corrette’s life is veiled in secrecy.

It is thought that the composer was born in 1671 in Rouen; when he moved to Paris in 1720, all trace of his life was lost to history, and only in 1732 was his death announced. However, thanks to his son Michel (a famous musician in his own right and time), Gaspard Corrette’s name is not unequivocally lost from the pages of music history.

So, a life shrouded in secrecy and a composition that has withstood through the centuries – sounds like an intriguing offer for starting off the New Year. Or perhaps it’s an opportunity to open the door to spiritual serenity and concentration.

Messe du 8e Ton pour l’Orgue:
Premier Kyrie - Grand Plein Jeu
Cromhorne en Taille
Trio à deux dessus
Dialogue à deux Choeurs
Gloria In Excelsis - Prélude à deux Choeurs
Concert pour les Flûtes
Récit tendre pour le Nasard
Dialogue de Voix humaine
Basse de Trompette ou de Cromhorne
Dessus de Tierce par accords
Tierce en Taille
Dialogue à deux Choeurs
Graduel - Trio
Offerte - Grand dialogue à trois Choeurs
Premier Sanctus - Plein Jeu
Second Sanctus - Duo
Élévation - Cromhorne en Taille
Plein Jeu à deux Choeurs pour le premier Agnus Dei
Dialogue en Fugue, pour le Second Agnus Dei
Deo Gratias - Grand Plein Jeu
(Autre) Graduel - Basse de Trompette ou de Cromhorne
(Autre) Élévation - Fond d'Orgue


St. Casimir's Church (34 Didžioji St, Vilnius)
1 PM

About the event

Vilnius Arch-cathedral Gregorian Choir

Starting time: 
1 PM
60 min.

At this concert, you’ll feel as if you’ve found yourself in a 17th-century royal abbey in France. You’ll be transported there by composer Gaspard Corrette’s Mass for Organ on the Eighth Tone, performed by soloists from the Schola Gregoriana Vilnensis Gregorian choir and organist  Tomas Bakučionis.

The majority of French organ music at this time was written for use in the Liturgy. With the significant rise in number of convents, a new repertoire emerged that would be chanted during the Liturgy. This is reflected in Corrette’s mass. The work, as he himself said, is dedicated to “nuns and useful for those playing the organ”. This is the composer’s sole legacy and we cannot even know how extensive it could have been, because Corrette’s life is veiled in secrecy.

It is thought that the composer was born in 1671 in Rouen; when he moved to Paris in 1720, all trace of his life was lost to history, and only in 1732 was his death announced. However, thanks to his son Michel (a famous musician in his own right and time), Gaspard Corrette’s name is not unequivocally lost from the pages of music history.

So, a life shrouded in secrecy and a composition that has withstood through the centuries – sounds like an intriguing offer for starting off the New Year. Or perhaps it’s an opportunity to open the door to spiritual serenity and concentration.

Messe du 8e Ton pour l’Orgue:
Premier Kyrie - Grand Plein Jeu
Cromhorne en Taille
Trio à deux dessus
Dialogue à deux Choeurs
Gloria In Excelsis - Prélude à deux Choeurs
Concert pour les Flûtes
Récit tendre pour le Nasard
Dialogue de Voix humaine
Basse de Trompette ou de Cromhorne
Dessus de Tierce par accords
Tierce en Taille
Dialogue à deux Choeurs
Graduel - Trio
Offerte - Grand dialogue à trois Choeurs
Premier Sanctus - Plein Jeu
Second Sanctus - Duo
Élévation - Cromhorne en Taille
Plein Jeu à deux Choeurs pour le premier Agnus Dei
Dialogue en Fugue, pour le Second Agnus Dei
Deo Gratias - Grand Plein Jeu
(Autre) Graduel - Basse de Trompette ou de Cromhorne
(Autre) Élévation - Fond d'Orgue

At this concert, you’ll feel as if you’ve found yourself in a 17th-century royal abbey in France. You’ll be transported there by composer Gaspard Corrette’s Mass for Organ on the Eighth Tone, performed by soloists from the Schola Gregoriana Vilnensis Gregorian choir and organist  Tomas Bakučionis.

The majority of French organ music at this time was written for use in the Liturgy. With the significant rise in number of convents, a new repertoire emerged that would be chanted during the Liturgy. This is reflected in Corrette’s mass. The work, as he himself said, is dedicated to “nuns and useful for those playing the organ”. This is the composer’s sole legacy and we cannot even know how extensive it could have been, because Corrette’s life is veiled in secrecy.

It is thought that the composer was born in 1671 in Rouen; when he moved to Paris in 1720, all trace of his life was lost to history, and only in 1732 was his death announced. However, thanks to his son Michel (a famous musician in his own right and time), Gaspard Corrette’s name is not unequivocally lost from the pages of music history.

So, a life shrouded in secrecy and a composition that has withstood through the centuries – sounds like an intriguing offer for starting off the New Year. Or perhaps it’s an opportunity to open the door to spiritual serenity and concentration.

Messe du 8e Ton pour l’Orgue:
Premier Kyrie - Grand Plein Jeu
Cromhorne en Taille
Trio à deux dessus
Dialogue à deux Choeurs
Gloria In Excelsis - Prélude à deux Choeurs
Concert pour les Flûtes
Récit tendre pour le Nasard
Dialogue de Voix humaine
Basse de Trompette ou de Cromhorne
Dessus de Tierce par accords
Tierce en Taille
Dialogue à deux Choeurs
Graduel - Trio
Offerte - Grand dialogue à trois Choeurs
Premier Sanctus - Plein Jeu
Second Sanctus - Duo
Élévation - Cromhorne en Taille
Plein Jeu à deux Choeurs pour le premier Agnus Dei
Dialogue en Fugue, pour le Second Agnus Dei
Deo Gratias - Grand Plein Jeu
(Autre) Graduel - Basse de Trompette ou de Cromhorne
(Autre) Élévation - Fond d'Orgue



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